There were three more "official" HaHa events; a dance party at Squid Roe (great name for a dive bar, reminicient of what many of us may remember as Senor Frog's in Cancun, years ago), a beach party, and an Awards ceremony.
A few words about the Awards.....
For those participants who were more into the "race" vs. "rally" aspect of this event, the awards are a big deal. It goes without saying that sailors want to sail, and although most participants in the rally recognized that there is no shame in motoring if the wind dies down, some do decide to tough it out and sail the entire route. These boats typically arrive at the anchorage late to the party (often just in time to turn around and sail out with the fleet immediately), however, for the "purists" among us, they were duly rewarded with well deserved kudos at the event's final Award Ceremony. It is also here that awards are presented just for completing the rally (I must mention we came in 3rd "plus" in our Division, having sailed the entire 48 hour second leg), as well as for the youngest and oldest sailors, the sailors with the most body bang ups (referred to as "boat dings"), and various other notables.
Here are some pics of our last few days in Cabo, including one of "yours truly" standing next to our next-slip-neighbor with a 145 lb. Yellowtail tuna.
And the contemplation for today:
Why is it that everyone wants to pose with a big fish...????????
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